Saturday, April 19, 2008

Surprise, Surprise...Shoes!

I want these shoes! They are MARVIN Y QUETZAL. They are only sold in the UK and Mexico City. So I have to wait until winter break to get them... This deeply upsets me.

Friday, April 18, 2008


As I stated before, these pictures were found on The Face Hunter

Fashion [2]

The length of this woman's dress is also short but I adore the floral pattern, which seems to be "in" nowadays. But I won't deny it, I have a few floral patterned garments in my closet. Also, I love her shoes (I bet you guessed that already)! I don't understand why I never witness any fashion like this when I go to Mexico City, or any other part of Mexico. I seem to always be the "odd-one-out" when it comes to roaming the streets of this magnificent, in my opinion, country.

Fashion [1]

Although the length of this woman's dress is quite scandalous, that is not what stood out to me. If you don't know already, I love shoes. And her's are absolutely spectacular. I have no idea where to find a pair or if I could even pull it off, but I simply cannot keep my eyes off them!

It's Been A While

Diane has been asking me why I haven't written on here in so long. For starters, I haven't had time and more important happenings take control of my life. Also, I've had load of homework to do. I mean, I haven't finished a book in almost three weeks. (For those of you who don't know, I tend to read about one book in the time span of week, every week.)

So, let's begin.

I was browsing the Face Hunter and came across a number of pictures that I both liked and disliked. (Read the posts above this one.)